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cedarEssential Oil CedarThe essential oil of cedar is considered a balm because, in addition to its ability to stimulate the spirit, it helps the respiratory system to cleanse, acts against the oiliness of the skin and the dandruff. It is antiseptic, astringent, expectorant and sedative.

cypressEssential Oil Cypress: It is astringent, it stimulates the venous system. It is used for the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and broken capillaries. It is a good stimulant of the nervous system.

chamomileEssential Oil Chamomile: The chamomile essential oil is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, soothing and sedative. Chamomile is used externally to treat superficial wounds and inflammations. It is antiseptic and soothing against skin irritations, acne, eczema, inflammation, burns, eye allergies. It can also be used to clean the wounds.

clary sageEssential Oil Clary Sage: It has antibiotic, antifungal, antispasmodic action. Sage, thanks to the action of antioxidants, has the ability to dampen free radicals produced in humans by various mechanisms and responsible for many chronic diseases. It stimulates and revitalizes the tired and aching muscles and relieves the cramps.

dapneEssential Oil Daphne: It is known for its transdermal, anti-bacterial, antispasmodic and astringent properties. Daphne oil is often used to treat rheumatic pain.

eucalyptusEssential Oil Eucalyptus: It has antibacterial action on cuts and abrasions, it is a local tonic, disinfectant and healing agent. Eucalyptus oil helps to relax the muscles, relieving pains. Relieves pains in the muscles and joints and is recommended in cases of rheumatism and arthritis. It also stimulates blood circulation. is used for the manufacture of insect repellents. It is antiseptic in the lungs. It modifies bronchial secretions in cases of tuberculosis of the lungs with abundant secretions and releases the phlegm, facilitating coughing, inhaling vapors of solution containing eucalyptus extract, helps to prevent and treat bacterial bronchitis.

frankincenseEssential Oil Frankincense It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin. It is also a natural toner, decreasing the appearance of pores. It encourages new cell growth, helping to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles and the appearance of scars. It also helps soothe chapped, dry skin.

geraniumEssential Oil GeraniumHelps regulate oil production and reduces acne breakouts. It also helps improve skin elasticity and tighten skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It also promotes blood circulation to the areas where it is applied, helping to heal bruises, broken capillaries, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, ringworm, and other skin conditions.

grapefruitEssential Oil Grapefruit: The essential oil consists of limonene, pinene, savinene, fumarate, geraniol, linalool, citronellal, decyl acetate, neryl acetate and terpinenol, but mainly of limonene and myrsene. It has a detoxifying effect, stimulates blood circulation in the problematic area and stimulates the skin, leaving it hydrated and soft.

jasmineEssential Oil Jasmine: Due to antioxidants, jasmine can help protect against environmental stressors. This can help give a youthful look to your skin. Oil is very effective in the evening for skin tone, as well as reducing the appearance of age spots. Like many natural oils, jasmine oil helps in treating dry skin and provides natural moisture that will not hinder pores. It is also ideal for dry, oily or sensitive skin as it helps to balance all types without irritation. 

lavenderEssential Oil Lavender: It helps regenerate skin cells so is great for mature skin. It is widely known for its calming and relaxing properties but also is great for soothing mild skin irritations. This essential oil is supportive to the skin and super versatile.It helps hair growth and the treatment of various problems such as hair loss, alopecia, dandruff, pruritus reduction and reduction of scalp production.

lemonEssential Oil Lemon: It is used in rashes, broken capillaries, arthritis and herpes. It releases the skin from the toxins. It is also liposoluble and combats the oiliness of the skin, for example from sebum.

marjoramEssential Oil Marjoram: Its essential oil has calming, sedative, soothing, spasmolytic and analgesic properties, with coatings, massage or inhalations, can relieve problems such as anxiety, depression, tension, or sadness, etc. It is useful in the form of hot stomachs in the treatment wounds and swellings due to dislocations, turbulence and myalgias, rheumatic and arthritic pains. It has strong muscle relaxation and analgesic properties for the pains of the period.

masticEssential Oil Mastic: Mastic is considered effective for healing ulcers and other skin conditions. It has excellent antibacterial and antioxidant properties and helps to regenerate the epidermis. It exhibits excellent healing and adhesive properties while not causing undesirable side effects on the skin. They are also rich in polyphenols, in powerful antioxidant compounds that protect the cells and tissues of the body from free radicals, protecting it from aging, heart disease, various forms of cancer, etc.

mintEssential Oil Mint: Symptoms of colds and flu with dislocation in respiratory passages and in the respiratory. It is known for its soothing properties against acne and insect bites. Helps in nasal allergies and is recommended in cases of asthma, bronchitis and influenza due to its anticonvulsive and sedative properties. Sinmitis can be treated with mint, because menthol stimulates the nasal mucous membrane. It also acts as a mild sedative and has soothing properties. It relieves from minor or major pains such as muscle cramps and sprains. Mint is a known insect repellent. Its essential oil, applied to the scalp for 30 minutes before bathing, can help you get rid of lice. Repeat this treatment three times a week. It regulates the oiliness of both dry and oily hair. It promotes blood circulation, offers freshness and fights dandruff thanks to its antiseptic properties.

neroliEssential Oil Neroli: It has a strong effect on the nervous system, even in a very severe stress crisis, can help effectively. In addition, it relieves directly from physical and mental fatigue. It can relieve the phlebitis. It helps to wrinkle because it offers good hydration and enhances the elasticity of the skin and cares for dry and mature skin.

pine Essential Oil Pine: It is ideal for treating respiratory problems such as colds, bronchitis, asthma, flu and sinusitis.

teatreeEssential Οil Tea tree: It is antibacterial properties help ward off acne-causing bacteria and assist wound healing. It also helps regulate oil production, which can reduce the severity and incidence of breakouts.

thymeEssential Oil Thyme: It is a healing and tonic with a great antibiotic effect. It is used in infections (skin, respiratory, urinary), because it is anti-microbial, ideal for muscle aches. Antiseptic and bactericidal in dermatopathies and whiteness, is good for shingles, heals wounds, pimples and burns. Fights arthritis and rheumatism in the joints and muscles.

roseEssential Oil Rose: It contains several therapeutic compounds known to promote healing, especially antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds. As a result, rose essential oil helps to refine skin texture and tone, and can help with managing skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

rosemaryEssential Oil Rosemary: It has been shown to help strengthen the hair, reduce hair loss, and also to hair more easily and quickly. Some of the ingredients contained in the rosemary plant help protect the hair from external factors.

vanilliaEssential Oil VanillaThe antioxidant property of vanilla neutralizes free radicals by reducing the appearance of wrinkles.